Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The inconvenience of a CJ is good for you...

Today's adventure isn't anything so exciting as bumping down desert trails, but a bit on an adventure none the less.  I went to work and then....to the Commissary.  Ok, get the confused look off of your face as I explain WHY this is an adventure...look at the picture of Wyle E., she is a CJ5, this means she is just a Lil' thing.  As well as being topless, door-less, well hell, other than a jerry can, a spare, and a bikini top she is down right naked!  BUT I will NOT let this deter me from enjoying a drive in her just to pick up some groceries...

A ratchet strap and a coleman are all it takes for me to get what I need!!
There is a bonus to this as well, while it seems really inconvenient to strap a cooler down in the back of the Jeep just to do a grocery run I have found it is VERY conducive you my diet and exercise program.  I can't buy much if ANY junk food cause it just won't fit.  And lifting the cooler and other household goods in and out of the back is one hell of an upper body workout on a lifted CJ.  AND it's green in the fact that I don't bother to have them bag my groceries, just toss them back in the cart, I'm going to have to arrange them in the cooler anyway.

I've found driving her everyday has encouraged me to keep things much more simple and live for the moment.  She may be inconvenient, but it's worth it.

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