After running a fever all day Saturday and well into the early hours of Sunday morning I wasn't sure there would be a Suicide Sunday this week. But around 9 am I started feeling better, installed the CB into Wyle E. and by the time I was finished I was feeling fit and ready for some Jeepin'. So I grabbed the camel backs and the Oh Shit bags and loaded up the jeep for the planned trail of the day.
As I headed up the mountain into the Park the temperature dropped to a delightful high 90's with a soft breeze top it off. There was very little traffic for a Sunday and so I could really enjoy the drive to the trail. As I pulled off on the trail head I watched a 2WD Toyota drive down, I parked for a moment to take in the scenery and let them get well out of my way. Sadly I did not get pictures of them hung up and losing their air dam as I looked behind me and saw a lowered decked out Honda pulling up (REALLY FOLKS!? the 4Wheel Drive signs posted everywhere weren't a hint?) So I had to hop out and flag down the Honda and send them back up to the main road while the Toyota got out and so no pictures of idiots. After that I was on my own on the trail. I didn't see another soul other than pocket gophers, birds, and ground squirrels. The first part of the drive dropped down into Pleasant valley and a dramatic terrain change as I drove up to the section of desert where it changes from Mojave to Colorado. Dipping further down into the valley the smells changed and the temperature grew softer. I stayed in the Valley for a good while just enjoying the scenery and smells and have decided I am going to take a weekend and hike back to the Back Country to camp down there.
Back on the trail and heading up out of the valley the trail narrowed and became much more rocky. Up on the other mountain side looking back I could see the winding trail I had followed into the Valley. It was here I came across a road sign informing me if I turned left I would be able to go all the way down to Dillon Rd in Palm Springs and right would loop me around back up to Park Blvd. I looped back around to the park, this time. Soon Wyle E. and I will make the long run all the way down the hill.
Looping back across the valley brought me across some amazing Joshua Trees and I knew I was seeing a part of the Desert not many people are able to see and I can't wait to go back and share it with a few other chosen people.
All and all this was a very relaxing and picturesque Suicide Sunday and a few more pieces of me I don't need anymore were left along the trail, if you decide to drive this trail yourself, maybe you will find them. If you do, you can keep them.
I hope you enjoy the video seeing some of what I saw today.