With Wyle E. Back in tip top shape and Joel here it was decided today was THE day! So, we gathered together the "oh shit" bags, the maps, and hit the road to the Park.
We started on Park Blvd and picked up Geology Trail. The trail had been recently grated so it was a fairly smooth and quick drive down to Pleasant Valley. We stopped briefly for Joel to have a look around before starting the 5,000 ft ascent up the mountain. As we turned onto Berdoo Canyon Rd the terrain really began to change. There was more rock than sand and quite a few sections where the trail was very uneven. After a few miles on Berdoo Canyon we met a convoy of Jeeps and Trucks coming towards us. Luckily there was enough room on this section of trail for us to wiggle past one another. One of the Jeeps stopped and chatted with us briefly before we finished out assent.
It was at the top we encountered a minor problem (we later realized the problem was caused by Wyle E's gas cap coming off, blessedly it bounced back into the bed!). As we reached the highest point of elevation Wyle E Stalled but after sitting a few minutes and some tender attention she fired back up and steadily began taking us down into the canyon. We had some issues with her wanting to stall but letting her roll in first took care of that issue.
As we dropped through the canyon we experienced obstacles that were more difficult than I had navigated before. But with a deep breath and a "Hell ya" from Joel I was able to crawl down drop offs that were easily over 2 foot, loose rock, and boulders. I wonder now how I would fair going back up that part of the trail (this will be found out before long I'm sure). The trail then began to smooth out and turned to pavement...for a moment. Just as we thought we had smooth sailing to Dillon Rd the pavement disappeared, sheared off to a several foot drop. It looked like a scene from an earthquake movie, but again I grabbed a handful of shifter and eased my way through. There were a few more drops, but not as dramatic and then it was just a bumpy ride to the paved road.
The way home was paved the whole way. We hopped on the 10E and ran down to the Cottonwood entrance and up through the park home.
Hell of day.